Which are the 10 countries that don't like Americans? in 2022

Which are the 10 countries that don't like Americans?

 The fantasy land. America is where everyone aspires to live, right? Oh well, at least everyone agrees that Americans are fantastic? Most likely not. I suppose it's difficult to please everyone.

Nations' animosity for Americans, for whatever reason, can lead to violence and other issues. Members of a foreign nation may encourage Americans to harbour strong hatred or suspicion because of American leaders, attitudes, habits, beliefs, and a number of other factors; in some cases, these feelings are legitimate.

We're examining the countries that can't stand Americans today. Perhaps there shouldn't be in your holiday trip itinerary!

Keep in mind that the Pew Research Center, a nonpartisan institution that conducts public opinion research, as well as numerous other sources—all of which are referenced throughout—provided all the data for this piece.

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10. Egypt

85 percent of Egyptians surveyed by Pew Research had a negative opinion of the United States as a result of Washington supporting Hosni Mubarak and its inaction in attempts to topple the Muslim Brotherhood.

This has added significantly to the US's dissatisfaction, along with cuts to Egypt's foreign aid.

9. Greece

Debt-ridden According to Pew Research, Greece finds it difficult to embrace any upbeat American message, as evidenced by its 63 percent negative rating.

Greek natives frequently experience issues with drinking in public. They appear to chastise those who truly let loose in public, which is exactly what many young American travellers do when they are abroad.

8. Germany

Germans have a love-hate relationship with the United States. Many Germans continue to want American adulation despite a distasteful 47 percent approval rating.

Germany agrees with many other countries that Americans come seem as being unclean, sluggish, and too nationalistic. This is true as well, especially particularly coming from a wealthy nation with a strong sense of patriotism...

7. Jordan

In the same survey, neighbouring Egypt appears to exhibit a similar viewpoint; American favorability ratings have dropped 13 points since 2009, leaving 85% of respondents with a negative opinion of the United States.

Interestingly, public opinion differs with the official government position. One of the United States' biggest Middle East friends is Jordan, whose government is particularly pro-American.

6. Iran

No love was lost between Iranians and Americans after 1979, when Iran seized the American embassy in Tehran, as seen by MarketWatch's 61 percent unfavourable rating.

Recently, Iran's government (maybe cynically, as some have suggested) used our most recent protests and disturbances as another proof of our bad nature. Strangely, they are silent on their own human rights issues.

5. Turkey

A massive flood of Syrian refugees without significant U.S. aid could contribute to America's 73 percent unfavourable opinion of the country, according to a Pew Research survey.

Demonstrators greeted former president Barack Obama as he landed in the nation in 2009, calling America the enemy of all people and urging him to return home.

4. Russia

There has never been a good relationship between Russia and the West. If the US were to take a negative posture regarding its engagement in Ukraine, the Pew survey's unfavourable rating would rise to 71%.

Under the new administration of President Trump, we should anticipate positive relations between Russia and the US.

3. Territories of Palestine

According to several polls, the U.S. is viewed negatively by Palestinians because it actively supports Israel. This is reflected in the unfavourable rating of 66 percent to 72 percent.

Even while this disapproval percentage is somewhat down from an all-time high of 80%, it is unlikely to fall much lower as long as the US is seen as Israel's ally.

2. Belarus

Belarus is friends with Russia and doesn't appear to be confident in a partnership with the US. Seventy percent of people in general dislike Americans.

But Belarus' dismal financial outlook can also be a factor. Economically fragile countries are less likely to support the United States.

1. China

There has been a sharp rise in opposition to American relations with China during the past few years.

Because of the current trade war and the virus outbreak in Wuhan, ties between the two nations have not improved.