top 10 american idol 2022. top 10 Contestant Rankings.


top 10 american idol 2022. top 10 Contestant Rankings.

Season 20 of American Idol will visit Disneyland for a theme that has become a yearly tradition since the show's ABC debut. This week, the remaining Top 10 competitors chose Disney songs to perform. No more song spoilers. The options are largely the same as always. Nicolina did take a risk, though, by selecting an intriguing Disney villain song.

Spoilers for American Idol 2022: The Top 10 Disney Night Songs Are Out!

Along with visiting Disneyland with their family, the contestants also received mentoring from Derek Hough, a judge on Dancing with the Stars. Derek is also recognized for his amazing ballroom dancing, too. He can also sing, though. He has performed in musical theatre and has an album out. He will be able to offer advice on both singing and performing on stage. In addition, Derek spent many years competing as a professional dancer on live television before he took a seat behind the DWTS panel.

Once more, Idol will air live from coast to coast in all time zones. By the conclusion of the night, host Ryan Sea rest will boot THREE participants from the competition! People, I smell a shock boot. And the judges, Luke Bryan, Katy Perry, and Lionel Richie, are unable to save even one person.

My rankings for this week are listed below. Based on their performances the previous week, contestants are ranked.

Top 10 Contestant Rankings list here.

10. American Idol Top 10. 

Lady K - Lady K is in danger after the judges had to save her the previous week! She chose the popular song "How Far I'll Go." She has a shot if she does it well.

9. Emyrson Flora 

Despite competing against voices that are stronger and/or more seasoned, the youngest participant left on the show is a good singer. She is performing the lesser-known Disney song "Carried Me With You" from the film Onward. But Emyrson might enter the Top 7 with one more "moment."

8. Mike Parker 

This week, he's performing the corny "You'll be in my Heart," which he'll surely country-fy. But take a look at the musicians ranked before Mike. This week, he might reach the end of the line.

7. Nicolina Bozzo 

Last week, Niconlina gave her worst performance of the year, screaming through "Since U Been Gone." She's fortunate to have a support system of fans. This week, she's taking a HUGE chance by singing "Poor Unfortunate Souls," a song from a Disney villain. She might have a major moment this week if she performs the song with the appropriate amount of theatrical flair.

6. Christian Guardino

Ah guy. This week, Christian will be tackling "Circle of Life." He might advance to the next round with this great tune. I hope he doesn't overdo the singing and destroy it. But it appears that his supporters find that appealing.

5. Huntress

In a succession, Hunter has had some below-average weeks. Sweet tune "I See the Light" would be simple to countrify. I hope this week she gets back on track! But she will probably be safe no matter what happens.

4. Noah Thompson 

Simple tunes with a sincere message suit Noah best. This week, he might run into trouble thanks to the cute but corny "You've Got a Friend in Me." Noah might finish in the Top 5 if he keeps on course. I believe he will.

3. Jay Copeland 

With "Lilac Wine," Jay made a major breakthrough the previous week. He's starting to discover what suits him now. More of what worked for him the first time is evident in the wonderful ballad "Remember Me."

2. Leah Marlene

Welp. Marlene is a competitor on American Idol who can sing anything. She has incredible musical talent and is innovative and cunning. She can sing, too. She might succeed in every endeavour. This week, she and Fritz are comparable.

1. Fritz Hager

Leah is more adaptable, but Fritz is nonetheless appealing despite his lack of versatility. Although there are better vocalists in this group, Fritz is a great song arranger and knows who he is as an artist. He differs from singers like Jay, who are still figuring themselves out, in that regard.

By : grand success